St John's Catholic primary, family and friends
My Story
Dear Parents, Carers, Family and Friends,
In Friday's assembly the children learnt that we, as a whole school community, are working towards achieving CAFOD’S "Live Simply School Award" One of our first actions towards this award is to take part in CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk.
The GIFT team have signed us up to take part in this special Lent challenge raising money to help communities in Bangladesh adapt their way of life to cope with the effects of climate change.
We know that our wonderful St John’s community is always up for a challenge and so we have decided to try to walk to Bangladesh (virtually) during Lent.
This is a total of around 5,000 miles or 8,000km. All the children’s Golden Mile walking during Lent will count towards our distance, as well as other school-based walking, such as Maple Class walking to and from swimming.
We will also take part in a Whole School Big Walk on the last day of term. We would love your help to achieve our distance, so if your family goes for a walk at the weekend, takes the dog out for a walk after school or even walks to school in the morning, all these distances count.
Many phones will have an app to tell you how far you have walked so please let your child’s class teacher know via dojo about any walking you have been doing.
This could be a one-off amount e.g.; ‘At the weekend we went for a 3 mile walk along the canal’ or a cumulative total over a week e.g.; ‘We walked to and from school every day this week, a total of 5 miles. If you can send in photos of your walk that would be amazing.
All these small totals will be added to our CAFOD page, along with photos (where permissions given). You will be able to keep track of our progress on our journey to Bangladesh using the link below.
Mrs Herbert has already made a start by walking 17km.
This is where you can also donate to the CAFOD appeal if you wish to. Raising just £10 will provide four palm trees to help a community in Bangladesh protect land from extreme weather, or £26 could build raised beds to protect vegetables from floods. Just as every small walk will add towards our target distance, any donation will add together to help communities suffering from the impact of climate change. If you would rather make a donation in cash, we will be having a collection on the last day of term alongside our whole school Big Walk.
Thank you for your ongoing support and happy walking St John’s